Web page of Dmytro Savchuk

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Instructor: Dmytro Savchuk
Office: CMC 310
Phone: (813) 974-4989
Fax: (813) 974-2700
e-mail: savchuk@usf.edu
Office Hours: MW 11:40am - 1:10pm or by appointment
Textbook: Linear Algebra with Applications by Otto Bretscher, published by Prentice Hall, Fourth Edition, ISBN: 0-321-65562-1
Class Location: CMC 130 MW 9:40pm-11:30pm
Course web-page: http://savchuk.myweb.usf.edu/teaching/2012C_math3105_linear_algebra/

Course Description: This first linear algebra course shows techniques for solving linear equations and introduces mathematical notions that are often used and are relevant to many applications. These notions include vector (linear) spaces and subspaces, linear transformations, orthogonality and determinants. You will certainly meet and work with these notions in chemistry, physics, engineering, 3D-graphics, as well as in other mathematical courses, such as differential equations, dynamical systems, etc.

The course starts with basics in solving linear equations using matrices and Gauss-Jordan elimination process. Then it looks into linear transformations; definitions, geometric views, inverses, kernel and image of a linear transformation. The notion of linear (vector) spaces with finite dimensions follows right after. Geometrically we will consider coordinates of a vector with respect to a basis, transformation of coordinates when passing to a different basis, as well as orthogonal coordinates. With these tools the Gram-Schmidt process for obtaining an orthogonal basis is illustrated. The course rounds up with determinants and their use in obtaining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation with a purpose of a diagonalization (special simplification) of the latter.

Prerequisites: MAC 2283 or MAC 2313 (Engineering) Calculus III and MGF 3301 Bridge to Abstract Mathematics.

The classes are designed to help students understand the material and are not a simple repetition of the text. In order to present a broader view of a subject and to have more solved examples available, the examples presented in class might be different from than those solved in the book. Students are responsible for learning how to perform calculations and only a very limited time of the class work would be designed for that. Also, students are responsible for reading the covered sections from the book.

Test Dates: There will be two full class-time Tests, and the Final. Dates are:

Homework: I will assign homework on a weekly basis. There will be two types of homework:

  1. Regular homework assigned on a daily basis that will not be collected.
  2. Special homework (2-3 problems from the book) that should be handed in for grading.

The assignments and the due dates will be available at
Solving homework problems is a crucial part in learning process. No matter how hard you study you will not learn the material unless you solve the problems on your own.

Make-up exam policy: Make-up exams will only be given for excused absences. Reasons for excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the immediate family and other documented crises, call to active military duty, court-imposed legal obligations (e.g., jury duty and subpoenas), special requirements of other courses and university sponsored events (e.g., performances, games/meets, judging trips, field trips), and severe weather conditions. Students who must miss an exam due to a major religious observance must notify the instructor of this absence, in writing, by the end of the first week of classes. Employment schedules, family reunions, vacations and athletic training/practice schedules of students do not comprise a valid excuse for absences. Students must notify their instructors of scheduled absences (for approved reasons as noted above) at the beginning of each academic term. Pointing out specific conflicts with scheduled examinations or other scheduled assignments/activities should be part of this notification. In the event of an emergency unscheduled absence (as described above), students must contact their instructors as soon as possible and provide documentation if required. Extended illnesses may interfere with the satisfactory completion of courses, and in such cases a student should contact his or her college by the deadline to drop a course. After the drop deadline, students may submit an Academic Regulations Committee (ARC) petition with proper documentation to drop a course or withdraw for medical reasons. Students may find additional information through their college ARC representative. An instructor may determine that missing a certain amount of participation-dependent activities (whether excused or not) precludes successful accomplishment of learning outcomes. In such cases the student is advised to withdraw from the course.

Grading: Your final grade will be determined on the following basis

Please note, that the "Total" column in Blackboard WILL NOT reflect your actual grade as it does not take into account the above weights. At the end of the semester after all homeworks will be collected I will set up the weighted total column. The students are responsible for checking their grades in Blackboard. Any grade appeals will be considered only within one week after the grades were entered.

Calculators: There is no particular need of a graphing calculator. Scientific calculators are recommended but not required. No notebook computers or other wi-fi/gprs/3G/4G/4Glte/etc. are allowed on the exams. Further, in the homeworks you are expected to show all the steps in your calculations.

Cell Phones: Turn them off during class!! The ringing cell phone is very distractive for other students and the lecturer. The University policy on Disruption of Academic Process is explained in the Undergraduate Catalog http://www.ugs.usf.edu/catalogs/1213/pdf/DisruptionOfAcademicProcess.pdf

Attendance: Will not be taken during class (except the first day). Your presence will be most helpful to you for mastering the material.

Getting Help: There is a free tutoring available on campus at Tutoring and Learning Services: http://www.usf.edu/learning. The center is open 6 days a week (except Saturdays). Another resource is the online tutoring assistance available in Blackboard (click on Academics tab). Also you are welcome to stop by my office CMC 310 during office hours or by appointment. Again, do not hesitate to ask questions - by far this is the most effective way of learning.

To help you keep up:

  1. One to one-and-a-half sections per two-hour class period may be covered. Read them in advance!
  2. You are responsible to learn the material and most of this learning will take place outside the class. At least two to three hours outside classroom for each class time needs to be spent studying!
  3. Use the class by trying to pick up the main ideas and taking comprehensive notes. Be sure that you understand the examples solved in class. Ask questions!

Academic Dishonesty: Instances of academic dishonesty including but not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, forgery, complicity and computer misuse will not be tolerated. The university policy on Academic Integrity is explained in the Undergraduate Catalog http://www.ugs.usf.edu/catalogs/1213/pdf/AcademicIntegrityOfStudents.pdf

Incomplete Grade Policy: An "I" grade indicates incomplete coursework and may be awarded to graduate and undergraduate students. (Undergraduate rules apply to non-degree-seeking students.) It may be awarded to an undergraduate student only when a small portion of the student's work is incomplete and only when the student is otherwise earning a passing grade (C or better). See full policy http://www.ugs.usf.edu/catalogs/1213/pdf/IGrade.pdf

S-U Grade Policy: Students who want to take this course for a grade of S-U must sign the S-U contract no later than the end of the Third week of classes. There will be no exceptions. Courses to satisfy Gordon Rule may not be taken on an S/U basis. Required courses in the major may not be taken on an S/U basis. Courses to satisfy Foundations of Knowledge (FKL) General Education may not be taken on an S/U basis.

Student Disability Policy: Students in need of academic accommodations for a disability may consult with the office of Students with Disabilities Services to arrange appropriate accommodations. Students may request accommodations at any point during the semester. As accommodations are not retroactive, any grades earned before a student requests accommodations will typically stand. Students are required to give reasonable notice prior to requesting an accommodation. The student must bring a current Memorandum of Accommodations from the Office of Student Disability Services (SVC 1133). This is a prerequisite for receiving accommodations. Exam accommodations through SDS usually require 5 (five) business days advance notice. Note: If you need extra time on exams, you must make arrangements to take your exams with the SDS office. You cannot receive extra time if you choose to take your exams with the course instructor. See Student Responsibilities - http://www.asasd.usf.edu/students.asp

Copyright Policy: All printed materials distributed in class or on the web are protected by Copyright laws. One xerox copy is allowed for personal use only. Multiple copies or sale of any of the materials is strictly prohibited.

Updated: August 23rd, 2012
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